Kick-off Meeting in Peja!!!

Partners from People in Focus Albania, Innova Lab North Macedonia, Let’s Do It Peja Kosovo* and Connecting Serbia were gathered in Peja, Kosovo in the frame of the project “Western Balkan Tourism through the Lens of Youth”.
Partners got to know with each other and had the opportunity to share their experiences with youth projects.
The aim of the activity was to review in details activities methodology, planning website content, tools to involve different target group of young persons and project timeline.

The novelty of the event was the participation of youth who gave new point of view in the discussions.
Also, we had the opportunity to visit cultural and nature sites of Peja which helped to boost good relation between partners.
People in Focus and its partners are supported by Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO within the 4th Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the European Union
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.